One Track Mind

Multi-tasking is not what its all cut out to be. Sure when you're in the moment, it seems like you're able to accomplish more than 1 task at a time, it feels like you're doing MORE, and being efficient about your work. Until of course you're required to keep that same level of energy, time & effort in order to sustain.

Don't get caught up in trying to do everything before you can do anything.
Focusing on one thing at a time slows the process, but it builds it up to last much longer than the idea of getting multiple tasks completed right away.

How though?
Create a system for yourself that will allow you to 'step by step' accomplish each task one at a time. Patience is key here!
Develop habits that will help you achieve your goals (tasks),
write things down, hold yourself accountable for your actions (and lack thereof),
failing is normal so don't get down on yourself when you fall off and start back up again. Remember to enjoy the process, because that's the whole point anyway. 


Slow progress is better than no progress.
Let’s Grow!
|L.earn|I.nnovate|V.alue|E.njoy|; Don’t just be Alive
#KeepGrowing #ContinualGrowth

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